Digital Microscope
More than 40 models digital microscope integrated with embedded camera for various of applications.
Digital comparison microscope for forensic inspection applications such as document examination, firearm examination, counterfeit examination, fingerprint indentification, & determination of sequence of strokes.
All-in-one HDMI Microscope
Compact design, easy-to-use tabletop HDMI microscope with 15.6" FHD ISP display. Support connection with Windows-based PC through USB.
Digital Polarizing Microscope
Transmitted polarizing microscope modified based on Olympus CX23. Configured with digital camera. A variety of cameras are available for option.
Digital Stereo Microscope
Special light source design to improve the ability of high-precision observation, measurement and image comparison. Configured with high performance 12 megapixel digital camera.
Biological Microscope
Phase-contrast, bright & dark field, fluorescence microscope with infinity optical system.
Metallurgical Microscope
Wide field eyepieces, long working distance objectives and infinity optical system.

顕微鏡アダプターを使用すると、デジタルカメラとビデオカメラを顕微鏡に取り付けることができます。広い視野を提供するために、いくつかの異なる倍率のCマウントアダプターと、接眼レンズのCマウントアダプターを提供しています。 Cマウントアダプターは、ニコン、オリンパス、ライカ、ツァイスなどのさまざまな顕微鏡に適しています。